Senate Ponders Iraqi Pullout


The Wash Times reports on today's Senate debate (and likely vote) on bringing the boys and girls home from Iraq:

Senators today will be forced to take a position on two different proposals for withdrawal of troops from Iraq, the votes coming in an election year where polls show support for the conflict is steadily declining.

Democrats are sponsoring both plans, one to start a "phased redeployment" by Jan. 31, the other to pull out combat troops by July 1, 2007.

Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) is pushing for the latter, while Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) is pulling for the former. Sen. John Warner (R-Va.), the head of the Armed Services Committee, is confident that the 55 GOP senators will stick together, which would kill the chance of either Democratic amendment being attached to the pending defense authorization bill.

Whole article here.