Wild, Wild Wonkette


If you're into DC-based media and political gossip (and who isn't, except for Newt Gingrich's first two wives?), point your browser to the recently unveiled Wonkette, the latest triumph from the people who have already brought us the great Gawker and the fabulous Fleshbot (note to Gawker impresario Nick Denton: Please don't create a DC-based Fleshbot, at least until Sen. Robert Byrd dies.)

Wonkette is edited by Ana Marie Cox, whose achievements to date include helping to run legendary dot-coms Suck, Feed, and Inside into bankruptcy and "being fired by a political magazine that [she] cannot, under legal penalty, name in public." Though I can: It was the The American Prospect, which also apparently pulled the trigger on Reason Contributing Editor Matt Welch's proposed media column for the simple offense of writing for one of "The 50 Best Magazines").

Which is to say, Cox is exactly the person you want running a DC-based media and political gossip site. She's a pre-menopausal Lucianne Goldberg at the top of her game (sans cigarette holder and with a different set of politics, to be sure).

So check it out. A recent sample from a glossary of characters:

? Broder, David: Old guy people say is the dean of something or other. We think it's the vocational advising division of St. Alban's. [Wash Post]
? Brooks, David: New York Times columnist. Favorite colors are red and blue. Conservative, but happy to give Democrats his excellent advice. Scared of women. [NYTimes.com]

? Cheney, Dick: Emerges from his hole every February 2. If he sees his shadow, it's six more weeks until we invade Syria. [WhiteHouse.gov]
? Clark, Wesley: Superhuman robot who will destroy us all with his laser vision eyes. Running for president. [Clark04.com]
? Clark, Wes, Jr.: Created from DNA harvested from the real Wesley Clark. Super hot. [NY Observer]

? Dean, Howard: Running for president. Maintains a website at www.angrydwarf.com. Kills kittens for fun. [DeanforAmerica.com]
? Dowd, Maureen: New York Times columnist who thinks she's been elected prom queen. Sees a lot of movies and skims a lot of political bios. Rarely keeps them straight. [NYTimes.com]