
Hey Kids! Camo!


Yesterday was "Camouflage Day" at Virginia's Marshall Middle School:

As the first bell rang, students bounded into hallways wearing twig- and branch-imprinted jackets or sporting fatigues stamped U.S. Army.

Principal Christine Moschetti said the school asked the students to don the martial clothing to show support for "the fight against drugs." She wore a leafy, oversized camouflage T-shirt that she had bought at Wal-Mart for $5…

Seventh-grader Tyler Hale described his outfit with pride. "The vest is from Desert Storm," he said, referring to the Persian Gulf War. It was a gift from a family friend. The pants were for hunting. "I go every year," he said.

Camouflage was more popular among boys, but girls got into the spirit, too.

What spirit would that be? Is tomorrow Trench Coat Day? Then again, it's hard to think of a better sartorial dictate with which to glorify the drug war. A clearly supportive Washington Post article surveys the other options:

In Prince George's County, students at Benjamin Stoddert Middle School wore red socks Monday to "sock it to drugs." In Prince William County, Woodbridge Middle School students dressed like twins yesterday "to pair up against drugs." In Loudoun County, Round Hill Elementary School students will have a Crazy Hair Day tomorrow to remind them to "use your head; don't do drugs."

I think they've really got something with the sock thing.