Beer and Sports


Remember the mobs of students who got out of hand following a few recent college football games? It says here that beer ads are to blame.

"Television viewers of college games are constantly subjected to messages that encourage, and even glorify, drinking as a natural part of the game. Some ads are particularly disturbing. One shows a high-energy crowd of sports fans holding beers and yelling in what nearly resembles a mob scene. It's a thin line between such beer-powered exuberance and the onset of rioting."

(It's just a matter of time before Joe Sixpacks everywhere start jumping out of their La-Z-Boys on Saturday afternoons, and maraud through town overturning police cruisers.)

The authors report the stunning news that many sports fans like to drink and that "many college bars specifically target sports fans by offering television access to a huge range of college athletic contests."

(That explains the epidemic of riots and looting in the neighborhoods surrounding the nation's thousands of sports bars that we read about every weekend. )

Since raising the drinking age, tightly restricting or banning alcohol throughout campuses, and compulsory alcohol awareness education haven't worked, it's gotta be those damn beer ads.

Or maybe it's those damn goal posts.