Nanny State

And the First U.S. County To Ban Trans Fat Is…


Montgomery County, [Maryland] where only county-run stores can be trusted to sell liquor and where the county has tossed smokers out of bars and restaurants, is now the first county in the nation to ban trans fats. The county council voted yesterday to prohibit restaurants, bakeries and delis from using the unhealthful fats in their cooking and food preparation.

More here (at the fun but strangely named Wash Post blog "Raw Fisher: The Cold Splash of Reality, With a Side of Sizzle" [wtf?]).

I discussed "The Race to Ban What's Bad For Us" in the LA Times here.

Jacob Sullum asks "Who Needs Trans Fat"? here and wonders at "The Fried Logic of Food Police" here.

Why the Nanny State is winning here.