
The Day The Dolphin Cried


Since I saw two Mitt Romney commercials while staying in Florida this weekend (the man has money to burn), I chuckle at this story:

Romney delivered a speech to the Miami-Dade Republican Party March 9 that was heavy on anti-communist rhetoric but light on policy details. He also condemned the Venezuelan president who has embraced Castro. That's when he tripped.

"Hugo Chávez has tried to steal an inspiring phrase—Patria o muerte, venceremos," Romney said. "It does not belong to him. It belongs to a free Cuba."

No, it doesn't, said University of Miami Professor Jaime Suchlicki.

"It belongs to Fidel," said Suchlicki, an expert on Cuban history. "I don't know where [Romney] got that."

Romney fan Kathryn Jean Lopez laughs it off: "Mitt Romney is better in English." He's said this before with a slightly cleaner phrasing and didn't get into any trouble. At best, this buttresses the image Romney has as a "presidential"-looking guy who'll say anything his consultants tell him to get elected.

(Via Wonkette.)